The non-existence of Time !

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"RELATIVELY" Einstein says.
(say that to my old-broken body )-
the non existence of time(:)---what a bad joke!

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RE: RE: RE: RE: Quote

Message 16158 in response to message 16145

In my opinion Time is just an illusion and it doesn't exist really...

Ariane, if time is an illusion, doesn't it follow then, that nothing is real?

Tullio, your manuscript sounds interesting. Is there a link to it, and is it in English? If not, could you provide a brief summary of the main points, and give some examples of macroscopic quantum systems?

No Chipper, NOTHING IS REAL , we are just dreaming , the REALITY is hidden behing the VEIL , after death we will experience the REALITY.

I personally believe that Time is circular (like a sine wave is circular), and which also accomodates for the Arrow of Time (which always flies forward - you'll never see a smashed teacup jumping back onto the table, reformed to its whole.)

Hello my dear and old friend Chipper,

I'm so glad to see you again...But you know in Quantum physics , and with the Uncertainty Principle , it is possible to reform the smashed teacup to its whole and it would jump back onto the table , it constitute just a unique thing and event, if we considere Time as an eternal present without any past and future, nothing is lost , this is only a loss in the sight of the observator.That is true for deads, they only live another form or shape of being, and they are not lost .

For example in amnesia , we lose the notion of the past and the future, and time is no more circular and flies no more forward , in this eternal present which is the "time" of things,particles, neutrinos, ultra-strings, dark matter and dead living creatures,Time and Space join each-other and become a unique entity . We can experience then the parallel worlds and we jump from one world to another , just like when we are dreaming . Living in such a "continum world" give us this feeling that not any event is more important than other(like the smashed tea-cup) ,nightmarre scenes replace "Heavenly visions" and all constitute a "unity", a '"whole".

Chipper, this is just a feeling of mine and i can't give more explanation or some argument for it.

See you later,


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RE: RE: RE: RE: Quote

Message 16159 in response to message 16158

In my opinion Time is just an illusion and it doesn't exist really...

The problem we are left with here though is that if time as such is static and already set. Our consciousness then would be moving past the set time frame giving the "illusion "that we are moving through time.
Much as a passenger in a speeding train would see station hoardings whizz past and could well assume that the hoardings were moving and not the train.
Unfortunately this then means that we have no free will, that not only everything that has happened but everything that will happen is already set and that we ourselves are mere observers.
The logical conclusion if accepting that theory would be that there is no point in doing anything as nothing in the future can be changed?

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RE: RE: I personally

Message 16160 in response to message 16143

I personally believe that Time is circular (like a sine wave is circular), and which also accomodates for the Arrow of Time

Interesting thought, Denis ? do you mean circular like the Ouroboros, or more like a sine wave that has a beginning and end?

Actually, I'm a devout fan of the Ouroboro (whose name I have, thanks to you, now learned.) So, yes, I mean like an Ouroboro. I don't like the dour Christian perspective upon it however.

Palpatine was wise, after all, but still greedy.

Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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Ouroboros ! How amazing ! I

Ouroboros ! How amazing ! I will fix my anti-virus system, then i will ponder on it! Perhaps it would give me some ideas...


Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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It seems that there is some

It seems that there is some relationship between Time/ and coma, sleep and immobility. Also , Time passes differently in regard to each individual. We have seen that the young man of 23 falling in coma in 1980 and awakened in 2003 ,didn't become a man of 46 but was still a young man of 23. During 23 years, Cronos has not touched this person . We can find such examples in novels, myths and tales. In the novel of Arthur C.Clarke,2001 Odysseus, some of the passengers of the spacecraft are in a state of hibernation of a very deep sleep and they stay intact before the Time. In the tale of Sleeping Beauty,Felicity, awakened after 100 years , is still a girl of 16. In the ancient tale of the brothers slept for 300 years in a cave , after being awakened , are still young men.

The technique of immobility is observed in meditation , and in a way in zen and yoga, following the harmony of motion and immobility with respect of breathing. For these practisings, Time passes differently, as if they were able escaping willingly the Cronos.

The average age for the characters of the Old Testament was 800. Even now, time passes with some variety for some persons or some races, sometimes these individuals can reach the age of 200.


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RE: RE: RE: RE: Quote

Message 16163 in response to message 16158

In my opinion Time is just an illusion and it doesn't exist really...

Ariane, if time is an illusion, doesn't it follow then, that nothing is real?

Tullio, your manuscript sounds interesting. Is there a link to it, and is it in English? If not, could you provide a brief summary of the main points, and give some examples of macroscopic quantum systems?

No Chipper, NOTHING IS REAL , we are just dreaming , the REALITY is hidden behing the VEIL , after death we will experience the REALITY.

I personally believe that Time is circular (like a sine wave is circular), and which also accomodates for the Arrow of Time (which always flies forward - you'll never see a smashed teacup jumping back onto the table, reformed to its whole.)

Hello my dear and old friend Chipper,

I'm so glad to see you again...But you know in Quantum physics , and with the Uncertainty Principle , it is possible to reform the smashed teacup to its whole and it would jump back onto the table , it constitute just a unique thing and event, if we considere Time as an eternal present without any past and future, nothing is lost , this is only a loss in the sight of the observator.That is true for deads, they only live another form or shape of being, and they are not lost .

For example in amnesia , we lose the notion of the past and the future, and time is no more circular and flies no more forward , in this eternal present which is the "time" of things,particles, neutrinos, ultra-strings, dark matter and dead living creatures,Time and Space join each-other and become a unique entity . We can experience then the parallel worlds and we jump from one world to another , just like when we are dreaming . Living in such a "continum world" give us this feeling that not any event is more important than other(like the smashed tea-cup) ,nightmarre scenes replace "Heavenly visions" and all constitute a "unity", a '"whole".

Chipper, this is just a feeling of mine and i can't give more explanation or some argument for it.

See you later,


If time is a created concept for the measurement of events, then we may assume by converse logic that without events, there is no time. For time to pass, there must be events that cause its measureable passage. Boredom is an event in iteself that has its moments measured in the instants that a watch is looked at, the thoughts that occur and actions of life within the body. For time to become instantaneous and eternally irrelavant, death must occur within the body. Herein lies the issue of the scientist: how does one measure time after death?

Logical thought on the above premise would then offer that it is through death itself that events cease for the observer and begin for another to continue that work. Along this line of thought it therefore follows that each observer is responsible only for their own observation, to their observation and anything outside of that simple stricture would be interference in another's study. As scientists are reluctant to not share their results, this would therefore be pointless. Thus, time moves on because of events.

As regards Einstien's theories, travelling at 186,000 Mi/s the observer would be travelling away from all thins dear. Life would be pointless and irrelevant upon return, as all known things would have passed away in just two short months. After two years this world too, would become inconsequential and unobservable. All that matters in the study of Time is the relationship between the observer and his personal time. This then presents the MTV principle: My Time's Valuable. (Please don't waste it.)

Any comments?

Ariane Von WolfLand
Ariane Von WolfLand
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"This then presents the MTV

"This then presents the MTV principle : My Time's Valuable.(Please don't waste it.)"

Apparently you are expert in wasting Your Time : no one is able wasting Your Valuable Time, unless you let it Yourself, then be careful to Keep it Strongly.


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RE: RE: "This then

Message 16165 in response to message 16164


"This then presents the MTV principle : My Time's Valuable.(Please don't waste it.)"

"Apparently you are expert in wasting Your Time : no one is able wasting Your Valuable Time, unless you let it Yourself, then be careful to Keep it Strongly."

Since the days of Aristotle, Philosophy has been called a waste of time. The MTV principle is the scourge of the modern age. Few people have time to waste considering the beauty and mechanics of life around them. Many are quick to jump to conclusions, fly off the handle and even fewer hang about to swim, but instead sink into the unforgettable miasma of acrobatic emotional exorcism dealing with regret afterwards.

In simple terms it may be questioned as to which came first; the apple, the horse or the cart?

The answer is determined by the purpose of the observer.
When in a flat spin, remember that the world revolves not around you, but you in it.

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Sorry , slip of the mouse

Message 16166 in response to message 16165

Sorry , slip of the mouse that last post...just wanted to say...
"It is impossible for us to waste time,it is time that wastes us!!"

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