A Few Basic Questions

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Topic 190387

Thanks in advance for any help. I was running the old Seti, which only ran when my screen saver came on. Does Einstein work that way also? Sometimes it looks like it's running even when the screensaver is not on. It also looks like Einstein doen't run when my monitor powers down, but computer is still on...is that possible? Appreciate any help, Kent.

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A Few Basic Questions

Thanks in advance for any help. I was running the old Seti, which only ran when my screen saver came on. Does Einstein work that way also? Sometimes it looks like it's running even when the screensaver is not on. It also looks like Einstein doen't run when my monitor powers down, but computer is still on...is that possible? Appreciate any help, Kent.


BOINC is definitely a little different from Seti Classic. It does run all the time (unless you set your general preference for "Do work while computer is in use?" to "No"). But, it runs at the lowest priority level - so it only uses CPU cycles that would otherwise be wasted. Therefore, BOINC will not interfere with any other programs you may be running. And it's BOINC that decides which project (Seti, Einstein, etc.) will be run at any given time, accordingly to the resource shares you have assigned, project availability, work unit deadlines, etc.

With regard to your question about Einstein not running when the monitor powers down, BOINC should be running something (any of the projects you have attached) when the monitor powers down. There are a couple of things that could be confusing you here: 1/ If you have set the "Do work while computer is in use?" preference to "No", you will never be able to see BOINC working because it only works when the computer is not doing anything else (sort of a paradox). And, 2/ Einstein 4.79 has a "graphics bug" which causes work units to crash on some computers when the screensaver comes on. You can read a little about the "graphics bug" on this thread and others.

Hope this helps!


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RE: Thanks in advance for

Thanks in advance for any help. I was running the old Seti, which only ran when my screen saver came on. Does Einstein work that way also? Sometimes it looks like it's running even when the screensaver is not on. It also looks like Einstein doen't run when my monitor powers down, but computer is still on...is that possible? Appreciate any help, Kent.


I just looked at the one WU that you have completed and I was surprised to see that it took about 87,000 CPU seconds to complete. This seems way too long. That is, my 1.8 GHz laptop only takes about 31,000 seconds per WU. Therefore, your 2.4 GHz processor should be completing a WU in about 24,000 seconds. In other words, you may have a hardware problem (e.g. overheating). You probably should check that your fan is working properly, etc. There are also some threads here that discuss overheating (e.g. this one) that you might want to read.


Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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Kent, There is another


There is another thread here that refers to a P4 laptop similar to yours. Read the few posts preceeding it for the context.

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