Daily quota

The Pirate
The Pirate
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Topic 189348

My daily quota is 8 per day per cpu. If I am using a dual cpu computer does that mean that I will get 8 wu' for each cpu or by the cpu does E@H mean per computer no matter how many cpus are inside?

Divide Overflow
Divide Overflow
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Daily quota

"Maximum daily WU quota per CPU" = 8

Seems like it's 8 per CPU, however many CPU's you have in your host computer.

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It get's more confusing when

It get's more confusing when those CPUs do hyperthreading, for even then I think it's a max of 8 per CPU. So if you have 2 HT CPUs, you may get 32 units a day on such computer.

Paul D. Buck
Paul D. Buck
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Max is per computer. That is

Max is per computer. That is why the SETI@Home is at 100, for the very fast multiple CPU systems that is the only way they can get enough work.

Mostly it is also to counteract those that want to overfill their buffer with work when they have either a system that is erroring on large numbers of work units or cannot complete them in time.

Blank Reg
Blank Reg
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ON my dual with HT I am

ON my dual with HT I am running connect to 1 Day and only running the 2 cpus and I have 8 Einstein WUs on hand, plus Einstein is the only project..

JUst setup the dual under work preferences and changed connect to to 2 days and downloaded another 8 WUs....so I have 16 now...

The Pirate
The Pirate
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Thanks for the info. guys. I

Thanks for the info. guys. I am planning on building a dual socket Opteron 275 box and was wondering about the daily quota.

Paul D. Buck
Paul D. Buck
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RE: Thanks for the info.

Message 12502 in response to message 12501

Thanks for the info. guys. I am planning on building a dual socket Opteron 275 box and was wondering about the daily quota.

With Einstein@Home, you would have to have a speed where you were completing work units in less than 3 hours on a single CPU system, or 6 hours per cpu in a dual ...

And, even then you would have to do ONLY Einstein@Home ... which is not recommended as problems with the servers can lead to outages.


Anyway, good luck with the new system. I want to get another dual Xeon 3.4 myself. My current one takes about 10:30 to do one Einstein@Home Work Unit. Averages about 25 Cobblestones per hour ...

The Pirate
The Pirate
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RE: With Einstein@Home,

Message 12503 in response to message 12502


With Einstein@Home, you would have to have a speed where you were completing work units in less than 3 hours on a single CPU system, or 6 hours per cpu in a dual ...

And, even then you would have to do ONLY Einstein@Home ... which is not recommended as problems with the servers can lead to outages.


Anyway, good luck with the new system. I want to get another dual Xeon 3.4 myself. My current one takes about 10:30 to do one Einstein@Home Work Unit. Averages about 25 Cobblestones per hour ...

Thanks Paul, By the way congrats on user of the day.
I took a look at your farm. Impressive. All state of the art.
I did order my new system Friday. A Tyan K8WE with dual, dual core 275 Opterons and 8Gig of ram. I figured what the heck and put on my credit card.

Paul D. Buck
Paul D. Buck
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RE: Thanks Paul, By the way

Message 12504 in response to message 12503

Thanks Paul, By the way congrats on user of the day.
I took a look at your farm. Impressive. All state of the art.
I did order my new system Friday. A Tyan K8WE with dual, dual core 275 Opterons and 8Gig of ram. I figured what the heck and put on my credit card.

I did not even notice ... :)

I had 10 boxes last year, wife made me pull the 4 in the spare bedroom... does not make sense to me ... hardly ever use that room ...

Just got the Xeon, and I like it a lot ... and as a cruncher I don't think I could ask for much more... it does about 25 cobblestones an hour ... if the G5 was dual core it would beat it ... but alas ...

Apples new plan is to do Intel in a couple years which is a shame as the G5 is faster at a lower clock than the Xeon, but I guess they could not solve the heat and packaging issues. So, with that change I will hang fire on migration to a faster PowerMac. The one I have is fast enough and does my work fine. So, I can invest in a couple dual Xeons over the next couple years. Replace my P4's with Xeons and double my throughput ...

My current house can't really support more than 10 computers (too hot in Sacramento) so, till we retire ... I will have to keep it below that limit ... surprising me, the Xeon is even quieter than most of my P4's ... even better, if I stick with the 3.4 speed, the price will come down over the next couple years.

By then, I may have 5 ... and the dual core, dual processor, HT enabled Xeons ought to be out ... when I can get one of those for 3K I will look to start using them ... 8 WU in flight per computer ... ah ... anticipation ...

Vladimir Zarkov
Vladimir Zarkov
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RE: Mostly it is also to

Message 12505 in response to message 12499

Mostly it is also to counteract those that want to overfill their buffer with work when they have either a system that is erroring on large numbers of work units or cannot complete them in time.

Paul, it does not seem to work in every case. My results are often paired with computer 6241, and it's frustrating to put it mildly. This guy (or girl?) has succeeded in downloading 45 WUs in about 3 days, returning only 1 successfully and passing the deadline with half of the rest, which will be the case with the second half too, I guess.
BTW thank you for all the unbelievable work you've done for us BOINCers.


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This daily quota limit set at

This daily quota limit set at 8 is a pain. If you need to load up the machine cos your going away for 3 or 4 days or more then just getting 8 and thats your lot is frustrating.
I have always like the seti return time of 14 days. I wish the other projects would go for 14 days and allow you to download a weeks worth in one go.

Humble cruncher

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