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Wondered what was going on since I just picked up the new BRP4G CUDA 55 1.56 application and new work.
21st September 2016
mmonnin wrote:archae86 wrote:As stated previously, I currently operated a Founders Edition GTX 1070, a dual-fan MSRP-...
7th September 2016
Very nice tabled results Archae86. Looks to me like the 1060 3GB models offer the best bang for the buck with only 8% less...
7th September 2016
Keith Myers commented on BRP6 Cuda 55
The developers aren't really needing any more input on the Beta apps.  They been stable for over a year.  Not even sure...
7th September 2016
You miss my point. There are reviews that do benchmark Compute performance of video cards.  My post was in response to the...
5th September 2016