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As has been pointed out to me many times over at SETI; the stderr.txt file that gets sent back to the project is just a "...
21st September 2016
I too was encouraged by the release of the CUDA55 variant last night.  Unfortunately, I have already returned one error of...
21st September 2016
Wondered what was going on since I just picked up the new BRP4G CUDA 55 1.56 application and new work.
21st September 2016
mmonnin wrote:archae86 wrote:As stated previously, I currently operated a Founders Edition GTX 1070, a dual-fan MSRP-...
7th September 2016
Very nice tabled results Archae86. Looks to me like the 1060 3GB models offer the best bang for the buck with only 8% less...
7th September 2016