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Tom M wrote:Now that I have a working Amd 460 card I will see if I can "scale up" today. If I am reading things right,...
28th April 2020
Is the project done with BRP work?  I have not received any work in a couple of days.  My SBC are sitting idle.  I see the...
26th April 2020
You'll probably have to get a reply from some of the old-timers that really understand the applications.  Maybe Bernd will...
26th April 2020
I didn't think your post was correct either.  The only easy place I know of to look at memory usage on the gpu is via nvidia...
24th April 2020
Yes I have been getting them to for the past couple of days randomly.  Never had them before here.  Must be caused by Seti...
24th April 2020