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I am literally copy and pasting your signature Ian and it still only displays a link.
29th April 2020
The GR tasks take from 462-473 seconds on my 2080's. The GR tasks take 412 seconds on my 1080Ti. The GR tasks take...
29th April 2020
I just let the scheduler send me whatever it wants within my 120 gpu task limit.  I crunch both FGRPB1G and GW 2.07 gpu...
29th April 2020
Oh I am doing all those things you describe.  It just does not do anything other than create a link. I think the...
29th April 2020
DanNeely wrote: must've been a short term glitch; server status is showing 12.8k BRP4 tasks available now. It was...
29th April 2020