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Odysseus commented on Milestones III
More than 618034 E@h cobblestones. Congratulations to all posting recent milestones.
14th November 2007
Quote:I am running Einstein on six available CPU's, along with other projects. I have been running it for over a week...
9th November 2007
Quote:I've running BOINC with E@H under OS X 10.5 and noticed a problem. I set BOINC to run always, but use only 1...
9th November 2007
Quote:The original idea was that a 1 GigaFlops computer will generate 100 credits in 24 hours, see this article from...
6th November 2007
Odysseus commented on Milestones III
5,000,000 for the RASC!
27th October 2007