Quote:Is there an official BOINC developers forum on which I could post questions?
BOINC message boards
31st January 2008
Quote:I've thought about requiring a certain number of work units for a project or a total for a group of projects,...
27th January 2008
Odysseus commented on Filtering an info out of rumor
I would call it impossibly precise. The galactic plane is delineated by irregular, patchy features anywhere from dozens to...
25th January 2008
Quote:Try cutting some ~ spherical fruit up into say 8 slices with 4 cuts in the vertical plane through the core but...
22nd January 2008
Odysseus commented on Postprocessing of E@H data..but how?
Quote:If you think of the universe as a computer cluster of untold numbers of particle "processors" each with a...
19th January 2008
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