Crystallize commented on Information about the new S5 workunits
Quote:Quote:Further optimisation of the app is possible. Credit is now determined server side based on the properties...
26th June 2006
Crystallize commented on Crunch Time S5 Workunits
Ok, I have now compared credits before with the
optimized 4,37 version compared to the new S5 version.
AMD 64 3000+ =...
24th June 2006
Crystallize commented on Information about the new S5 workunits
Quote:By my estimates (13.661% completed after 1:17:43) it will take about 9.5 hours for one of these work units (as...
22nd June 2006
Crystallize commented on Optimized Clients, D40 or S40 for AthlonXP?
You say that you'll do a SSE3 and the S40.12 supports "single" SSE ?
But will some version come that support SSE2 ?
22nd April 2006
Crystallize commented on Optimized Clients, D40 or S40 for AthlonXP?
I haven't really noticed any difference in crunching time between D40 and S40.12 on my AMDXP2600+
but the S40.12 it's...
21st April 2006
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