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adrianxw started discussion Machine crash - maybe.
I have, for many years, had two or more machines under my desk at home, but a single screen on the desk. I plug the screen...
7th December 2014
From the BBC also. This coverage will do distributed computing some good. At the time of writing this, the article is...
13th August 2010
I found this... 15/05/2010 09:52:50 Einstein@Home Message from server: Completed result p2030_53970_09207_0048_G59.84+...
15th May 2010
Example I was looking at some of my results and was suprised by the example I quote above. The faster i7 took more then...
19th November 2009
adrianxw commented on LHC News
All good things run out of usefulness I suppose. I read about this gadget in it's early days when I was at school. I was...
14th November 2009