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Matt White started discussion Work Shortage
It looks like the project is out of Gamma Ray GPU tasks. I noticed all my AMD tasks finished about 07:30 EDT and I only...
2nd August 2020
I'm watching the Hurricane as well, although it is supposed to be a tropical storm by the time it reaches me in Rhode...
2nd August 2020
Matt White commented on CPU tasks.
So, it looks like Einstein is handing out 1041F and 1046F now. However, I was able to get numbers on four more 1045F tasks...
24th July 2020
Matt White commented on CPU tasks.
Gary Roberts wrote: Matt White wrote:... I suspect the difference between Gary's numbers and mine on the 1045F is...
24th July 2020
Matt White commented on CPU tasks.
Matt White wrote: Gary Roberts wrote: Once again, I've had a look at that same machine and can see tasks for different...
23rd July 2020