Recent posts

So far, so good. Not seeing any invalid tasks. I've pushed the GPU utilization factor to .33 allowing 3 tasks per GPU. At x2...
10th October 2019
My GW host finished the first O2MD1 tasks this morning, both valid, with run times of 64,594 and 63,598 seconds (17 hrs). By...
10th October 2019
Finally got some O2MD work. Had to check yes on LIBC215, which makes no sense for a windows system, but, whatever. My work...
8th October 2019
As of 12:30 UTC today, V1.09, 5 valid, 3 pending, 0 errors, 0 invalids. Run time =17,500 secs on a GT-1030 GPU. The box is...
7th October 2019
I have the v1.09 tasks in my work queue, I should begin to see them enter the active task state later today.
6th October 2019