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and wouldnt ya know it? the "upgrade that fixes this problem with apc powerchute" is for vista only >-0
22nd August 2008
paul milton started discussion benchmarks timed out?
in all the time ive been using boinc i have never once seen this message. i know its not E@H specific but i figured id...
22nd August 2008
Quote: Which version of BOINC are you running? (not the science ap version) 5.10.30
22nd February 2008
i dont recall seeing this error before and its a first for me.. 2/21/2008 8:58:44 AM|Einstein@Home|Task h1_0873....
22nd February 2008
the file i have in my boinc directory is gui_rpc_auth.cfg if this helps any.
15th November 2007