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Quote: 2006-04-20 15:34:02.5260 [PID=32710] [debug ] REQUEST_METHOD=GET CONTENT_TYPE= HTTP_ACCEPT= HTTP_USER_AGENT=...
22nd April 2006
Quote:It was a common problem at SETI when Crunch3r came out with his optimized apps. If you OC'd (either CPU or...
21st April 2006
Quote:Memory access errors can also be caused by overclocking. So true. I started getting those and sometimes full...
21st April 2006
Quote:Interesting, but how does the study account for less formal types of education? In other words, does the...
21st April 2006
Mike Hewson commented on Milestones
Quote:I just passed 30K for Einstein. :-) Well done! and this despite the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...
20th April 2006