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First a high five to archae all my four GPUS are running in the 90% capacity range. Headless Duffer = My machine is...
27th August 2014
My i-3 used to keep my three ganged GTX-650s running at 90% while only using about 50% processor capacity. Now its sort of...
25th August 2014
Have boinc task credits been recalibrated? My two dedicated machines have been humming along for months since I last...
30th April 2014
Hi Matt, You wrote: "Back years ago when power came up on SETI I did a quick back of the envelop estimate. For only 17...
23rd September 2013
ET I don't know how to use the 'quote' feature properly. I will experiment with it later. However, I agree with you on...
23rd September 2013