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Mat & ET First, I want to respond to all the posts, but right now don't have the time. However, my power draw is...
22nd September 2013
Before I add another machine I would like to identify other efficient rigs as alternative designs. My existing setup RACS...
20th September 2013
FINAL PRODUCTION REPORT (multicard GPU) Production RAC: 80,224 Power Draw At Plug: 220-225 Watts 10,000...
18th September 2013
David Rapalyea started discussion Crazy RAC
Has anyone else noticed increased RAC over the last few weeks without changing anything on your rig? My multi card...
21st August 2013
FIFTY PROOF The reshuffled GTX 650 x 3 machine must at least be fifty proof since it seems on fire! All six theads are...
1st August 2013