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Quote:For cpu e@h is maybe sending 2 types of jobs. The bigger one gets 500 score but takes 4 times longer period for...
30th April 2011
MarkJ commented on Affinity?
Quote:What I need is something that will force E@H onto 6 of the processors and leave two open for my general use and...
21st April 2011
MarkJ commented on Aborted hanging WU
I've had a few do this. Usually I spot them not moving and suspend then resume them to get them going. If you don't spot...
28th February 2011
MarkJ commented on BRP cuda errors
Quote:You know I have to ask, but do you have any screen saver active? Hi Jord, I use the standard windows one...
28th January 2011
MarkJ started discussion BRP cuda errors
I've had a couple of strange errors when running BRP cuda work tonight. 1st wu 2nd wu
28th January 2011