Recent posts

MarkJ commented on BRP3 CUDA
Quote:Just tried to crunch some cuda tasks...bad luck, after some minutes i had a short blue screen ( seconds ) and...
14th January 2011
MarkJ started discussion BRPS observations (CPU)
I thought i'd start a thread about the BRPS (CPU) apps to give the developers some feedback. There is a separate thread...
27th December 2010
MarkJ commented on Milestones IV
Finally cracked 5 million for Einstein. Also got the RAC over 10,000. Yaaa!
25th October 2010
Can anyone shed some light on numbers, as per the last sentence of the last paragraph?
5th October 2010
MarkJ started discussion Validator discrepancy rates
Pasquale asked this question over in Orbit, so I was wondering if Bernd or Oliver might be able to answer it. Quote...
2nd October 2010