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Quote:Detach He's running 7.0.25 so it's now called Remove. If you used an account manager such as Grid Republic...
16th June 2012
Where does it say its unsent? In fact it says its "awaiting validation", so clearly its been sent and come back. As...
24th March 2012
Another thing you can do: 1. Set Einstein to NNT (no new tasks) 2. Let if finish off all its Einstein work -and- report...
16th March 2012
Quote:14.3.2012 8:58:33 | Einstein@Home | (reached daily quota of 4 tasks) my question is...what the hell is it???...
14th March 2012
Quote:In a month I will have about 750 USD to invest in GPU. Will be there a shift to OpenCL or is nVidia the only...
4th March 2012