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Quote:New beta driver 4444 for Intel HD Graphics 5xx series (it says 5th and 6th generation i7). There is no mention...
23rd May 2016
New beta driver 4444 for Intel HD Graphics 5xx series (it says 5th and 6th generation i7). There is no mention of OpenCL...
15th May 2016
MarkJ commented on This project, E@H
I'd like to thank the team at E@H for supporting the Raspberry Pi's. I know they don't contribute much in the way of...
23rd April 2016
I got my Enzotech heatsinks and have swapped out a few Pi2's (replaced with Pi3's) and a B+ (replaced by a Pi2). Apart...
21st April 2016
Quote:Unreliable electricity company. Had another power outage today. Both my Pi 2B's would not start up again. Seem...
21st April 2016