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1.5Gb memory might be an issue. I wonder if that's going to be the same when we get past the tuning run. All my 4 core/8...
15th October 2016
MarkJ wrote:In light of that I have re-enabled two machines with HD Graphics 530's and they are now running all the Beta...
28th August 2016
In light of that I have re-enabled two machines with HD Graphics 530's and they are now running all the Beta Intel_GPU...
25th August 2016
Quote:New driver 4463 from Intel for the HD Graphics 530. I am currently running a few Seti beta multibeam tasks to...
23rd June 2016
New driver 4463 from Intel for the HD Graphics 530. I am currently running a few Seti beta multibeam tasks to see how it...
21st June 2016