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Bernd wrote in an other thread ( Quote:Yes, when we...
18th January 2011
Did you try the BIOS? I can disable it for my i5 dual-core, or use only one core with HT.
18th January 2011
Quote:And as a sidenote - not sure if it matters - I plan to install Linux as an operating system. If you plan only...
12th January 2011
Quote:GC S5HF for CPU (SSE2) + 3 BRP3 cuda (1.04 + 1.05). (BRP3 for the CPU is not supported). Thank you very much...
6th January 2011
tolafoph commented on BRP3 CUDA
Quote:During last night the GPU wasn't used by anything other than E@H and still the time was doubled. I use MSI...
5th January 2011