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Quote:Gary, there is a new option in Einstein account preferences for the new run. On my account this is default set...
14th May 2011
Quote: If you look on the Server Staus page in the field "S6Bucket search progress" you will see just now, there are...
13th May 2011
Hi the 9000 WUs are still in progress! There ca. 9000 tasks to send and 9000 taks in progress. On my laptop with core...
13th May 2011
Quote:In the last 24 hours, the supply of new run tasks has increased dramatically. 8K tasks have already been...
13th May 2011
tolafoph commented on Milestones IV
I just saw that I passed 2 Million in the last few days. The first Million took me 3 years; the second Million only 300...
5th May 2011