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Quote:the file i have in my boinc directory is gui_rpc_auth.cfg if this helps any. If I remember correctly, I think...
15th November 2007
Quote:Oh yes, don't we all love this error... In your BOINC directory, there should be a file called "gui_auth_cfg" (...
15th November 2007
Quote:I have been reading about the problems some people are having with App 4.16. Is this App actually stable? and...
15th November 2007
Quote:This is awesome! Maybe I got a bit lucky with the frequency band, but the WU crunched under FreeBSD was a good...
7th November 2007
Sometime today, I hope to have DesktopBSD running on a spare SGI 1200 server, with a dual P-III 700 setup. I'll give this...
6th November 2007