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Quote:A new Linux App is available from our Beta Test page. This App should fix the bug that caused a SEGV (signal 11...
30th November 2007
I've had 4.16 running on a CentOS machine, a Vector Linux machine, and an Ubuntu machine for quite a while, now. So far,...
28th November 2007
Quote:Quote: @Bikeman - out of interest, what sort of price do you expect to have to pay for your RAM in Germany? I...
25th November 2007
Quote:I've been paying about $20 a GB for PC1600r in 512MB modules and $25 for a GB of PC133r in 512's. Picked up 2GB...
25th November 2007
Quote:Quote:Well Gary, I don't think you can specify if you want remote control if you do a "normal" install.... Yes...
16th November 2007