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Quote: Currently my top priority items for Einstein@home Apps are: * fix the 'signal 11' problem of the Linux App (4...
20th December 2007
My 6000+ machine just finished its first 4.21 WU, at just over 31,000 seconds. It's hard to say yet if the SSE code...
18th December 2007
Quote:Preliminary results, looks like at least 20% speedup over 4.20, and possibly more than 25%. "Fast." ... you ain...
18th December 2007
I've just installed this on my 2.8 GHz P-4 Xeon, and on my Athlon64 6000+ machines. So far, so good. Since Bikeman...
18th December 2007
Quote:Donald, that's interesting... I was at Uni at the time and the WiFi access point had died again, so, no internet...
14th December 2007