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TJ started discussion Xeon vs i7
Hello, I was wondering which processor a Xeon or i7 is more efficient, for running Boinc but for other applications i.e...
8th May 2009
I have read the treat “Einstein support OpenCL?†and if I have understood it correctly then BOINC version 6.6.20 has...
7th May 2009
Quote:Quote:Where can I see this and/or make a change? See The BOINC Wiki. There's also a video at The BOINC FAQ...
6th May 2009
Thanks so far for your input. In recording to the answer of Michael, I have installed the latest drivers last week...
6th May 2009
Hello, Today I updated one of my pc’s to Boinc 6.6.20 for windows. Running Vista Ultimate 32bit,SP1. After start-up...
6th May 2009