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Quote:did you install the latest NVIDIA drivers? Michael I reinstalled all the CUDA software and did a new...
18th May 2009
I have looked at several sources of information on the internet about CUDA programming and found that there is quite a...
16th May 2009
TJ commented on Xeon vs i7
Quote:Just in case someone happens upon this thread, I'd like to mention that Xeon is sort of a brand name for the...
10th May 2009
TJ commented on Xeon vs i7
Quote:As far as I know the basic CPU is the same. The i7 though is the chip targeting the desktop user while the Xeon...
9th May 2009
TJ commented on Xeon vs i7
Quote: Could you be a bit more specific, like maybe giving a certain budget you have in mind? Hi Bikeman, The...
9th May 2009