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2. The difference between host and user is that "host" means only one single computer whereas "user" refers to your whole...
29th October 2006
Annika commented on New Work
Yep, you have probably been building up too much debt towards another project- meaning it didn't get the resource share it...
28th October 2006
Omg ^^ that really isn't big. Maybe Bavaria has the better connections... a friend living there got himself 10 MBit...
24th October 2006
WHich horse-town would that be? Most people I know from villages have 1 MB or less... I doubt I could even get 16 MBit...
24th October 2006
Annika commented on Milestones II
Gratz, that's impressive for such a short time. Got my own little milestone myself, though: I passed 10k in Einstein, plus...
22nd October 2006