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Well as others have said already- don't rely on the benchmarks too much, especially when people use optimized apps or you...
11th December 2006
Annika commented on Congrats E@H team!
I can confirm from own experience that with a small cache 168 hours of deferral are reached very quickly; one of my boxes...
9th December 2006
Oh my god... you gave my workstation short WUs. It's going to be up- and downloading all the time... but at least it's WUs...
9th December 2006
Annika commented on Congrats E@H team!
Gratz guys, great work :-D
9th December 2006
Well, my ISP was a bit unreliable last summer but that meant lots of disconnects and smaller outages (1 up to 6 hours) but...
29th November 2006