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JBird commented on Nominal card times
970 SC at 3up with (*)540 x 3505 clocks 7,875/\2625 avg (*) these are my NvInspector settings in P2 then P0 is a +...
27th September 2015
JBird commented on Nominal card times
960 SC at 2up with 540 x 3505 clocks 9,381/\4690 avg
27th September 2015
Or *possibly the opencl *version on it - like we had with NV?
26th September 2015
Shoot. Even 2 units? Wonder if it's funky Prefs or app_config? Surely his OS or DirectX isn't to blame. Or mebe a Catalyst...
26th September 2015
Oughta be 3x on 980 and 3x on the Tahiti too You'll blow the doors off 'mano!
26th September 2015