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JBird commented on 784303 (Todderbert)
Quote:Quote:Been talking to him and he's volunteered a Titan Black/970 machine to our cause.. WOO HOO.. Sent Juan an...
30th September 2015
Ya, and pm still takes to near midnite to post. Both update timings affect our visible stats and can lead to...
30th September 2015
Am I seeing this right? FreeDC updated already -before 9am (dunno when)
30th September 2015
Thanks for that note Z. Sure didn't expect that to happen since 2 extra cores free but it did the same thing when I...
30th September 2015
I did just revert to .5 GPU config and all cores on 960 Will pursue data as such with that setup (til I get my cpu clocked...
30th September 2015