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Hmm - *do clock your 960s to the same as 970 recipe (nvInspector) ie 540 and 3505 in P2 Plus the P0 Base bump of +127Mhz...
2nd October 2015
PPS y'all - I remembered another couple *things re: these errors and Resets "Recovery" to stability, that have helped me...
2nd October 2015
Follow on Seti Servers Status- [As of 2 Oct 2015, 20:00:04 UTC] Replica seconds behind master 9,335 (just came on) (AND...
2nd October 2015
Quote:I have that machine back to crunching seti work units and will see if the problem raises its head again....
2nd October 2015
@ tbret - Majority of those "postponed" 'errors' are CPU related. Think you'll find if you "free-up cores" that is, follow...
2nd October 2015