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Oi! Lordy Z - heckuva mishap. The Line conditioning part (leadacid Batt to keep volts up) really useful in your sit. at...
4th October 2015
Ya, the CUDA MBs don't need or draw much at Seti; but the CUDAs at Ein do - [more because of the wimpy driver/api prob...
4th October 2015
What I do/have done, is use an APC UPS leadacid rig at the wall, as a Power conditioner; then plug my Main UPS and another...
4th October 2015
Ya, tbret..."phenomena" is the operative word alright The PCIe Bus under 2.0 and 3.0 is a screamer - particularly the...
4th October 2015
Heh...nope no 3 x gpus here! Might add a 3rd to Hexa Build in a few months because it Can - Board has 3 PCIe slots and...
4th October 2015