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Ha! Ya -Her and Suzy CC
26th September 2015
Ah! I gotcha. Yep "unlikely", but Murphy's lurks! Buyer Beware syndrome. I learned from the last *episode, to backup BOINC...
26th September 2015
Well honestly, I don't think I'm at risk for *losing work - am I? The point, is to *add work to/from/for the iGPU - which...
26th September 2015
Cool, thanks for that. I do have a spare VGA port on both monitors and 2 DVI/VGA *benders from EVGA. The chassis ports are...
26th September 2015
Doh! Of course! I wonder if my iGPU "project" bears the same -that is, if I can enable them but not cable up and have it...
25th September 2015