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Jord commented on Einstein URL
For The Admiral: If you want to reply here with the other post, please take out everything and just reply. Just select...
11th March 2005
Two questions: Which version are you trying to install? Have you ever ran BOINC before? This can easily be checked...
11th March 2005
Or, teach (try) yourself the act of using two project prefs per PC, Razorrir. If I can do it one one PC, I bet you can do...
11th March 2005
Jord commented on How do I get credit?
According to your host ID you have 3 work units, one of them is being crunched. That can take a while. Since BOINC is...
10th March 2005
You're using a MAC I see, so check out this FAQ first.
9th March 2005