The Global Correlations 7.01 project is usually running at high priority, knocking out other projects + the completion times are constantly changing. It may go down to about 90 hours, then jumps back to 140 hours.
Is this how the project should be running or is this a bug? I'm on a Mac, OS X (Tiger).
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Hogging Resources + Completion Times Change
I've had a similar problem. (running leopard on dual G5's) And the percentage complete keeps reducing with the time run staying the same (and expected time of completion going up). I've aborted a few wu's figuring they wouldn't finish by the deadline.
RE: I've had a similar
Ditto here. I just updated the Boinc client (only a few revs. behind) and now I'm getting these type of messages with all projects getting suspended:
Mon Apr 26 22:07:29 2010 Einstein@Home Restarting task h1_0499.95_S5R4__377_S5GCEa_1 using einstein_S5GCE version 701
Mon Apr 26 22:09:27 2010 Suspending computation - CPU usage is too high
Mon Apr 26 22:09:39 2010 Einstein@Home Task h1_0499.95_S5R4__377_S5GCEa_1: no shared memory segment
Mon Apr 26 22:09:39 2010 Einstein@Home Task h1_0499.95_S5R4__377_S5GCEa_1 exited with zero status but no 'finished' file
Mon Apr 26 22:09:39 2010 Einstein@Home If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project.
As this happened several times, I reset the project & hit update. But now, no project for Einstein is running even though it downloaded it again:
Tue Apr 27 07:46:29 2010 Einstein@Home Finished download of einstein_S5R6_7.01_graphics_powerpc-apple-darwin
RE: RE: I've had a
you may have updated boinc to a version that allows cpu % restrictions. Open boinc and go to "advance" and then to "preferences." under the "cpu usage" tab, there's a line that starts "while processor usage is less than..." Make the value in the box 0 (zero).
RE: you may have updated
That did it. Thanx mucho!
RE: RE: you may have
no problem. had that same issue too. took me awhile to find the fix for that myself. hasn't done anything to fix the Global Correlation WU prob for me though.
I am having the same problem
I am having the same problem with the Global Correlations 7.01 project—I tried changing my CPU usage restriction to 0%, but it has not helped. I hhave a work unit running right now that has been crunching for over 139 hours, and shows that it has 216 hours to complete, with a report deadline of Monday, May 3, 19:59.
I am wondering if I should abort, since it will never finish on time.
(I have a Mac G4, with dual 450mHz processor, running OS 10.4.11. Einstein work units had been running fine, wondering if it's a problem with the Global Correlations project or the recent BOINC update?)
RE: —I tried changing my
Do you have also set "Use at most 100 percent of CPU time"?
Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)
RE: RE: —I tried
Yes, I have it set to "Use at most 100 percent of the CPU time."
what do you recommend for the GPU setting? Should I allow it to use the GPU while the computer is in use? (I do a lot of work in Photoshop & InDesign, not sure if that has any relevance.)
Thanks in advance for your advice!
Resetting the project may
Resetting the project may help (Projects > Reset Project). The GC 7.01 project is now running normally again.
Just recently (say within the
Just recently (say within the past 2 weeks), my Einstein tasks are experiencing a similar weird timing behavior.
My Einstein tasks' time "To completion" incorrectly goes up instead of down. Their "Elapsed" time correctly goes up. Eventually, the tasks do complete but it's weird to see the time to completion incrementing up instead of down.
My SETI tasks' times are NOT experiencing this problem.
I am running BOINC v6.10.43 on my Apple iMac computer under Mac OS X 10.6.3 (Snow Leopard).