I'm a newb and I'm enjoying the crunching immensely. I've just earned my first credits and I love the screensaver, too.
Technology is surging forward into cloud computing and virtual servers and I'm wondering if we could take advantage of it. For example, I've recently acquired a free account at G.ho.st, which gives me 15 gigs of storage on a "virtual computer"; similar to VMWare.
Can the Boinc client run on it? Since there is no screensaver involved on a virtual machine, is there still a way to configure Boinc for it? Perhaps a member has already accomplished this and can share it with me and others. Using that computing non-stop would be a great help.
Thanks for letting me be a part of this important project.
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Cloud Computing
Sorry for replying so late.
Sure, you can run BOINC inside a VM, and the screensaver in BOINC is just a visualization option, it is not directly related to the part that does the actual crunching.
Running BOINC on cloud nodes and how to make use of virtual machine technology in the BOINC context was acually a hot topic on this year's BOINC workshop in Barcelona..
I am running SETI on
I am running SETI on OpenSolaris which I loaded on a VirtualMachine installed on my SuSE Linux 11.1 via the SUN VirtualBox. The BOINC client and the SETI app come from a developer called Dotsch. It was an interesting exercise to load both BOINC and SETI by command lines, no GUI.