CUDA App einsteinbinary 3.10 for Windows available for Beta Test

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I want to crunch einstein

I want to crunch einstein only on the gpu and don´t want to download any cpu work. Is this possible?
I´ve been crunching gpu tasks for the last 3 weeks and no cpu one. But the scheduler keeps downloading cpu tasks and reports them as aborted after 2 weeks.

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I stopped this beta since

I stopped this beta since every unit gets aborted or reported as in error
The funny thing is these program uses both gpu and cpu and takes more time to complete as a normal unit on the same cpu
Normal unit finished in 6 to 7 hours the so called gpu unit passes 8 hours with ease

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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RE: I want to crunch

Message 94471 in response to message 94469

I want to crunch einstein only on the gpu and don´t want to download any cpu work. Is this possible?
I´ve been crunching gpu tasks for the last 3 weeks and no cpu one. But the scheduler keeps downloading cpu tasks and reports them as aborted after 2 weeks.

You can opt-out of the ABP1 workunits (the only ones having a GPU app currently) via the web-interface, but there is no way to opt-out of the Gravitational Wave Search in LIGO data (S5R5) for which only CPU apps are available. It's a decision of the project administration, so this is intended.


Gundolf Jahn
Gundolf Jahn
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RE: I want to crunch

Message 94472 in response to message 94469

I want to crunch einstein only on the gpu and don´t want to download any cpu work. Is this possible?

You'd have to adjust your app_info.xml file to only contain references to the CUDA application(s).


Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)

Grutte Pier [Wa Oars]~GP500
Grutte Pier [Wa...
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Maybe a bit over the top for

Maybe a bit over the top for the developers.

there is a news article about webinars you can follow.
And previous once to view from Nvidia about Cuda and openCL.

Ati is also going openCL with a new SDK.

And S3 launched a low-power S3 Graphics 5400E wich will support openCL

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RE: RE: i mean why so

Message 94474 in response to message 94457


i mean why so small advantage of using gpu?

We will tune the application for maximum performance as we go...


how long shall we wait for this application?

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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RE: how long shall we wait

Message 94475 in response to message 94474


how long shall we wait for this application?

The engineer in me is tempted to say "'till it's ready" :-). Seriously tho, remember that the ABP1 Binary Pulsar Search is relatively young: While E@H started several years ago, the ABP1 search began only in March this year. CUDA support in BOINC also is rather new, and for my personal taste, Boinc 6.10.x is the first release that really handles GPU tasks reliably wrt. task scheduling, resource shares etc.


Grutte Pier [Wa Oars]~GP500
Grutte Pier [Wa...
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Some more speed, not easy

Some more speed, not easy oke, will get you more users.
Wich will give more response on the bugs and responsiveness and performance.

An attempt to see how you use the GPU.
You see at the ABP1-program and see what calculations the GPU can take over.
Or lett the GPU calculate all and use the CPU as a co-proccessor.

As the GPU has parallel mass processing and the CPU the handling tools.

aka a program is difficult to copy from 1 architeture to another.
Withouth trowing it over and start from a new point.

Paul D. Buck
Paul D. Buck
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RE: RE: how long shall

Message 94477 in response to message 94475


how long shall we wait for this application?

The engineer in me is tempted to say "'till it's ready" :-). Seriously tho, remember that the ABP1 Binary Pulsar Search is relatively young: While E@H started several years ago, the ABP1 search began only in March this year. CUDA support in BOINC also is rather new, and for my personal taste, Boinc 6.10.x is the first release that really handles GPU tasks reliably wrt. task scheduling, resource shares etc.


6.10.11 to be more precise ... though the .3 release was almost there ...

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Just finished the first 2 WUs

Just finished the first 2 WUs and from the lloks of it, they were kind of slow
My xeon @ 2.5 GHz was running at 80% speed.
For the 3.10 app, what is the estimated speed-up compared to the CPU version?

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