A new Einstein@home CUDA App for Windows is available for Beta Test at Beta Test Page.
We stumbled over some bugs in the CUDA part that might have caused some segfaults, so this is mainly a bugfix release. Also too the CPU part of the App now uses SSE, like in the .09 Beta Apps.
Please test and report, and please include important information (like the NVIdia Driver and Core Client version) in your posts.
Copyright © 2024 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
CUDA App einsteinbinary 3.10 for Windows available for Beta Test
Hello all readers,
The prvious version resulting in errors after 2 seconds of running.
This newer version runs ok for now.
Running on i7, 9200 @2.67GHz, 12Gb RAM
GTX285, CUDA version 2.2_vista_64_185.85_general
BOINC version 6.4.7
However I have one question.
BOINC manager has downloaded 4 einsteinbinary_ABP13.07(cuda) jobs, but only one is running at the time. So 6 cores of the pc are doing nothing.
How can I get S5 WU's to crunch?
Greetings from
RE: How can I get S5 WU's
It could be your BOINC version. You could try a 6.6.x version, but probably they have other flaws. (I'm out of that - no CUDA, still 5.x :-)
Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)

RE: RE: How can I get S5
Thanks for the idea Gundolf, but at other projects I had read that versions from 6.5.x and beyond are not stable. To be shure I always follow a few months later, and do never install the latest version.
I cracked the solution myself in the meantime to set the aditional work buffer at a higher rating.
Greetings from
First task back - 136845395 -
First task back - 136845395 - in just a shade over 6 hours - very similar to previous run, on the same host as I used last time. So no discernable benefit from the SSE code.
Q6600, 9800GT, Windows XP32, drivers 190.38, BOINC v6.6.37
Hi, I have bought a nvidia
I have bought a nvidia 9800 gx2. I am running the 3.10 app. On one gpu it runs perfect but the othe gpu gives immediately a calculation error.
The other thing is, why does the app dont run on the other cpu cores? I´ve got a Q6600 and I am only crunching on 1 cpu +1 gpu. Is it possible to cruch on 2(gpu+cpu) and 2 cpu?
RE: Is it possible to cruch
To use the remaining two cores, you'll have to enable a non-GPU application, either from Einstein (includes merging app_info.xml files - for advanced users only) or from another project.
Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)

Installed this on my host
Installed this on my host running Windows 7 64-bit, it started ok!
Will report later when my first result has completed.
System specs as shown by boinc (v. 6.6.36):
20/08/2009 11:29:05 Processor: 4 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9450 @ 2.66GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 7]
20/08/2009 11:29:05 Processor features: fpu tsc pae nx sse sse2 pni mmx
20/08/2009 11:29:05 OS: Microsoft Windows 7: x64 Edition, (06.01.7100.00)
20/08/2009 11:29:05 Memory: 4.00 GB physical, 7.99 GB virtual
20/08/2009 11:29:05 Disk: 50.00 GB total, 16.90 GB free
20/08/2009 11:29:05 Local time is UTC +2 hours
20/08/2009 11:29:06 CUDA device: GeForce 9600 GT (driver version 19038, compute capability 1.1, 512MB, est. 40GFLOPS)
RE: RE: Is it possible to
I wanna do that. What do I have to do? (edit which lines?)
20/08/2009 11:58:41 Einstein@Home Message from server: To get more Einstein@Home work, finish current work, stop BOINC, remove app_info.xml file, and restart.
I get this message and boinc will only ask for work again in 4 hours, but I still got some gpu work which uses a full cpu core too!
Are the gpus running cpu units? what is the speedup of using 1core+1gpu compared to using only 1 core?
RE: Hi, I have bought a
Hi Hotze33,
The nVidia 9800GT-card has only one processor so it can only handle one GPU-WU at a time.
A GTX295 has two processors and can handle thus 2 GPU_WU’s at the same time. There are also some quatro cards and off course the Tesla-cards (specially designed for parallel computing). But al these are expensive.
If you set the “Additional work buffer†to i.e. 0.50 (as I did) then after a while you get a S5R5 to crunch or a WU from another project you are participating (if any).
Hope this helps.
Greetings from