I have tried to log into my account several times with the acct. key given me. Each time that I try I get a message telling me that there is not acct with that acct key.
Has anyone else run into this problem and does anyone know what the solution is ?
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Can't log into my account with my acct. key
> I have tried to log into my account several times with the acct. key given me.
> Each time that I try I get a message telling me that there is not acct with
> that acct key.
> Has anyone else run into this problem and does anyone know what the solution
> is ?
I confess, that I tried to enter the key into the url field and left the key field empty 3 or 4 times when I first tried to get it running...
I'm puzzled. By "log into" do
I'm puzzled. By "log into" do you mean to attach your BOINC Client to a project or to log into the web pages? If the latter failes, how did you post here? It may help to let you send you your account key again (there should be a "lost account key" or similar link you see when you are not logged in on the web pages).
> here? It may help to let
> here? It may help to let you send you your account key again (there should be
> a "lost account key" or similar link you see when you are not logged in on the
> web pages).
For future reference:
When you are not logged in and click on Your account link, you are presented with a screen headed "Please log in". On this screen, directly under "Your account key:" is the following:
If you don't know your account key, click here.
If you click here., enter your email address, then click OK, your authenticator will be sent to the email address, provided a valid EAH account exists with that email address.
> I have tried to log into my
> I have tried to log into my account several times with the acct. key given me.
> Each time that I try I get a message telling me that there is not acct with
> that acct key.
If you are typing the account key (long string of letters and numbers) in, check that you are typing it exactly. It is case sensitive.
If you are copying it from the email that was sent to you and pasting it into the BOINC client, check that there are no leading or trailing spaces. This is the most common reason for new users failing to attach to a project.
And, welcome to EAH and BOINC :-)