ATI or Nvidia, any guesses for GPU?

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Topic 194469

If and when Einstein@home developes a GPU application
what chipset will be supported?
I'm considering getting a card and I'd hate to guess wrong!

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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ATI or Nvidia, any guesses for GPU?

If and when Einstein@home developes a GPU application
what chipset will be supported?
I'm considering getting a card and I'd hate to guess wrong!

CUDA will come first ==> NVIDIA


Ver Greeneyes
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As a bit of a follow-up

As a bit of a follow-up question, will double precision be required?

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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RE: As a bit of a follow-up

Message 93982 in response to message 93981

As a bit of a follow-up question, will double precision be required?

There will be CUDA apps that will run also on low-end cards that do not support double precision in the GPU.


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There are 3 BOINC projects I

There are 3 BOINC projects I know which use CUDA, AQUA, SETI and MilkyWay, which also uses ATI boards. The results are mixed, to say the least, and on AQUA units run on CPUs are often faster, especially on multicore CPUs (AQUA is multithreading), than on CUDA GPUs. So I would advise the Einstein devs not to make available a CUDA version which is not foolproof. A Beta version could be acceptable.

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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RE: There are 3 BOINC

Message 93984 in response to message 93983

There are 3 BOINC projects I know which use CUDA, AQUA, SETI and MilkyWay, which also uses ATI boards. The results are mixed, to say the least, and on AQUA units run on CPUs are often faster, especially on multicore CPUs (AQUA is multithreading), than on CUDA GPUs. So I would advise the Einstein devs not to make available a CUDA version which is not foolproof. A Beta version could be acceptable.

GPUgrid is another project (also molecular simulations ), they go the oposite way and support only "exotic" platforms : CUDA and PS3.

It's been a well established practice here at E@H to have a beta-test phase before any fundamentally new apps are rolled out, and I think this is also the ONLY way to get it right: with so many different platforms and hardware variations out there "in the field", you can't test everything internally by the developers.

EDIT: just saw that Bernd has released the first CUDA beta :-)

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Good idea to have a beta

Good idea to have a beta project. At SETI they just released it to all and sundry and there was some confusion. Idem at AQUA.I do not have any graphic board, just a graphic GPU on my Linux box, which is a Radeon. But I am window shopping for a HD 4770, which is difficult to find. So no CUDA. Cheers.

John Clark
John Clark
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RE: There are 3 BOINC

Message 93986 in response to message 93983

There are 3 BOINC projects I know which use CUDA, AQUA, SETI and MilkyWay, which also uses ATI boards. The results are mixed, to say the least, and on AQUA units run on CPUs are often faster, especially on multicore CPUs (AQUA is multithreading), than on CUDA GPUs. So I would advise the Einstein devs not to make available a CUDA version which is not foolproof. A Beta version could be acceptable.

Unfortunately Milkyway does not at present support CUDA based GPU crunching.

The only client uses the high end ATI cards (Radeon HD38xx & 48xx). This is because the project needs double precision done on the GPU, and ATI are the only cards that currently support this.

I do believe they project will eventually release a nVidia CUDA client, but, I think, this is a long way away ATM.

Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!

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RE: Unfortunately Milkyway

Message 93987 in response to message 93986

Unfortunately Milkyway does not at present support CUDA based GPU crunching.

Just two more weeks... Don't ask me how I know. ;-)

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RE: There are 3 BOINC

Message 93988 in response to message 93983

There are 3 BOINC projects I know which use CUDA, AQUA, SETI and MilkyWay,

Collatz Conjecture also suport CUDA - they have better app compared to Aqua....

MilkyWay is working on CUDA app for few months....

The best CUDA app have GPUGRID, then Seti.

Worst Aqua.

New driver 190.38 suport Cuda 2.3, but in BOINC for now only CUDA 2.2 is at work... since driver 185.85.

GPURID requires fast GeForce with minimum 64 SP (to have 2 days return bonus)

Seti works good also on <64SP cards.

The bigest credit per day however have 4870x2 owners in MW.... EVEN 400 000 per day with 2x4870x2...

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RE: The bigest credit per

Message 93989 in response to message 93988


The bigest credit per day however have 4870x2 owners in MW.... EVEN 400 000 per day with 2x4870x2...

Cuda__ Schmooda

Einstein @ home will never get any real work done until
they create and release an ATI app.

ATI cards are much more powerful than nvidia in double
precision crunching.

But, they won’t (anytime soon anyway)__ Why? You might ask.

Nvidia__ (a shady company) _ has worked overtime to promote cuda as the greatest thing ever.

The head honchos at nvidia were probably fantasizing that they
could pull a ‘Microsoft’ from circa 1997 and ‘Stomp Out’ their
competition ( anyone remember Netscape ? )

Allright__Allright, I admit, this is just a theory on my part :-)

I also have a very strong belief that Obama was not even born
in the United States.

Conspiracies R Us.

Cheers, Bill

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