no WUs
16 Mar 2009 8:51:22 UTC
Topic 194233
Sorry for another post about this theme.
Since several weeks I don´t receive any new WUs.
16.03.2009 09:38:41|Einstein@Home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
16.03.2009 09:38:46|Einstein@Home|Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
All other projects running well.
Reset done: no solution.
Which other informations you need to solve this problem?
Thx to all.
no WUs
Die üblichen Verdächtigen:
resource share for all your projects
debts (to be found in client_state.xml)
the from the same file
are any tasks in EDF (Earliest Deadline First) aka high priority mode?
possibly cache size (you have a turnaround time of 11 days)
Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)
RE: Sorry for another post
Do you run other projects on the same pc? Do you have plenty of work for those projects? If so several things could be going on a) you could "owe" time to them, Boinc keeps a tally of how much time you spend on each project and over time will try to balance that out based on your percentage numbers under the Projects tab of the Boinc Manager. B) you could be crunching a project that has a deadline that is fast approaching and if you got Einstein units you wouldn't be able to meet its deadline.
One thing you can do, since you have no units anyway, is detach and then shut down Boinc all together. Then restart Boinc and reattach to Einstein and see if that gets you some new units.
Here my comments to both of
Here my comments to both of you. Thx again.
Allocation resources: 3 projects each with 33%
Switch between applications every: 60 min.
Debts? Don´t know his function.
Where I will find "client_state.xml"?
see above
I got no clue where I´m able to find this feature. Sounds good - I would I like to use this.
Where I will find this information? And I´m not sure about whats the meaning of "turnaround time" in this case.
Yes 2 other projects running well on this PC.
Yes, every day finishing with work and getting new WUs.
Never have seen such a behavior before. Where I´m able to change this feature?
There are no new Einstein WUs since weeks. And there are no old dead jobs.
RE: RE: Debts (to be
Mikey mentioned it in his point a). You can find more infos at the FAQ Service, BOINC Terminology. Search for "debt". (Wenn ich endlich meine Hausaufgaben mache, wird es dort sogar auf Deutsch zu finden sein :-)
You can't. BOINC enters this mode if necessary, see mikey's point B).
It is shown in the Tasks tab of the manager in the Status column.
Turnaround time is the mean time between downloading a task and uploading the result. The value is shown on your Computer summary page.
The "cache size" is the sum of "Computer is connected to the Internet about every X days" and "Maintain enough work for an additional X days" from your Computing preferences.
Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)
RE: (Wenn ich endlich meine
Alles in dein eigener Zeit. ;-)
RE: Here my comments to
Do a search thru the start button at the bottom left of your Windows screen. It is in different places depending on the version of Boinc you are using, so that is easiest.
You cannot change this.
But what is the turnaround time of your other projects you said you crunch for? If it is very short and you have a week or so cache, then Einstein won't get any units because you couldn't finish them in time if you did get them.
I get "Error 417" and no
I get "Error 417" and no WU´s.
Anyone now this error ? I have search this forum but no results.
21.03.2009 13:47:11|Einstein@Home|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
21.03.2009 13:47:16|Einstein@Home|Scheduler request failed: Error 417
THX for help.
RE: I get "Error 417" and
You didn't search far enough in the past ;-)
See this thread that I found with an advanced search and was posted 73 days ago.
Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)
It works for me. Seems to be
It works for me.
Seems to be a problem with my proxi-server and einstein.
I´m crunching world crid wu´s also but there are no problems.
I create a text file: cc_config.xml with this content
Thanks und Grüsse zurück :)
>Where I will find
>Where I will find "client_state.xml"?
>>In your BOINC data directory. The path is in your Messages tab after starting BOINC. The folder may be hidden.
Gosh! I got it! Found at "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\BOINC".
So what does that say?
In the Boinc program under the "Message" tab I see on the left side no other button than "Copy all" and "Copy selection".
What do you mean with "path"?
>The from the same file?
>>see above
Here some additional informations, maybe needful:
Average turnaround time: 11.4 days
Maximum daily WU quota per CPU: 16/day
Computer is connected to the Internet about every: 0.1 days
Maintain enough work for an additional: 3 days