My best regards and congratulations to Pandaschnitzel for starting the very first "linux flame war" thread on this board (at least since I'm lurking here) in such a humurous and entertaining way, and even more kudos to the people who replied like they take him seriously.
You guys rock!! Maybe we just need Mr.Godwin to put a really stylish showdown to this great happening ;-)))
BTW, I recommend BASIC as the best operating system. It's easy to use yet highly configurable, supports the most important file I/O operations (PRINT, GOTO, you name it...), makes super-performant use of SMP (I recall using the main 6502 CPU and the sound chip both at the same time on a Commodore-64, and that was two centuries ago!) Not to mention the support for redundant compact-cassette streaming backup media (also known as DATASETTE among IT professionals), enterprise-grade high availability, and support for the latest virtual reality technologies (for instance, the brand new BERNSTEIN 12x8 character terminal presented at the CeBit last week!)
But let's be serious. Noone would really use windows 98 these days.
It would be like
- still teaching creationist doctrine in school
- still wearing VoKuHiLa's (that's Vorne Kurz Hinten Lang, or "mullet" for you non-ruhrpotters out there, see the infamous haircrimes website for further reference)
- still listening to 80's music (especially RICK ASTLEY!! LOL)
- still using "edlin" or "vi" for editing a text file
- still using 5,25" floppy disks or punch cards as backup medium
And always remember: DON'T FEED THE SCHNITZEL!!!
> i can only reply with a big LOL to this post, theres not much more to say to
> this ignorant point of view...
Yup -- the same thing happened to me when i read your post.
At last, Microsoft put some confidence in Win98. I can now happily upgrade my systems to this OS from Win95, safe in the knowledge that it is stable and needs no support.
Thanks for the tip off. Work units should be whipped through from now on!
Pandaschnitzel - at least if it is the same person, and not just coincidentally another person with the same nick - is a known troll in the forum. Take that into account when replying to this threat.
> >
> > well, what makes me comfottbale using MISCROSFOT WINDOWS 98 is that they
> > ACTUALLY CEASED the support for this OS.
> >
> > why?
> >
> > because this shows that there are no probs with this OS! it is stable,
> users
> > dont need the support, there are no more questions to come up because
> this OS
> > has shown to the people that it runs perfectly on any other
> > COMPUTER....worldwide (by the way: 98% of the worldwide computer in use
> are
> > run with windows).
> >
> > take for eXample linux: they NEEED the support stuff (cos it has troubles
> -
> > problems - angry users) and every now and then (almost every day) they
> bring
> > an "update" to their cernel! they are still at 2,4xxxx (or even lower)
> and
> > linux user calll so often redhad, caledera, or LINUSSSSS whre are you??
> and so
> > on! (by the way: waste of telephonmoney. instead they should have saved
> the
> > money and bought legaly - NO ILLEGAL COPYING BECAUSE IT IS EVIL!- an
> > exculsively windows package)
> i can only reply with a big LOL to this post, theres not much more to say to
> this ignorant point of view... if you dont have a clue where linux came from
excusé me but i throurly stated my clear and easy to understand arguments FOR windows. and i know where linux come from. from thee deep forest in SCNANDIVAVIA by mr linus torwald (by the way: WALD in GERMAN means forest...hihi**).
> and why its the way it is today just dont try to talk about it... its FREEWARE
and you know why???
because pooor idealistic-libertian computer science students work for FREEE!!! (mr. torwald is pretty rich...guess why...)
> and you dont pay hundreds of dollars for a big sortiment of bugs... and to say
Excuse what do you need a support for?
1. troublesshooting
2. problem "solving"
3. contact person for angry users
now which company has a supporrt and which company CEASED their support?
LINUX or Microsofot?
read my above essay and you will get the answer.
> that win98 is such stable is also just not true.. you just have to install it
> and wait some months and the problems get bigger and bigger... Windows XP
> fortunately is better in this point.. i dont mean that Windows doenst have
you said it: it is BETTER. point.
> advantages (especially XP) but your point of view is just... as i said...
> ignorant
well i am open minded and you should have your opintion but i can get very angry (this was a so called ---WARNING).
on the current troll ranking (sort key: plonk count) at he currently takes an honorless 11th rank.
Luckily his post are mostly troll-wannabes, making one feels sorry for him rather than enraged about his proclaimed positions.
> > and why its the way it is today just dont try to talk about it... its
Linux is only free if your time has no value. Is it better to compile money against the kernel, instead of comparing Frickelkram against bugs? Wahwahwah.
You will become a better person with OS X. You will suffer from an onion leather purse (sniff!), but you can still make use of all the CLI commands you learned from the books you read on the toilet. Plus you have something to talk big about with a Mac on your desk. Or, at least, you can feel like Steve "Master Of The Universe" Jobs.
My best regards and
My best regards and congratulations to Pandaschnitzel for starting the very first "linux flame war" thread on this board (at least since I'm lurking here) in such a humurous and entertaining way, and even more kudos to the people who replied like they take him seriously.
You guys rock!! Maybe we just need Mr.Godwin to put a really stylish showdown to this great happening ;-)))
BTW, I recommend BASIC as the best operating system. It's easy to use yet highly configurable, supports the most important file I/O operations (PRINT, GOTO, you name it...), makes super-performant use of SMP (I recall using the main 6502 CPU and the sound chip both at the same time on a Commodore-64, and that was two centuries ago!) Not to mention the support for redundant compact-cassette streaming backup media (also known as DATASETTE among IT professionals), enterprise-grade high availability, and support for the latest virtual reality technologies (for instance, the brand new BERNSTEIN 12x8 character terminal presented at the CeBit last week!)
But let's be serious. Noone would really use windows 98 these days.
It would be like
- still teaching creationist doctrine in school
- still wearing VoKuHiLa's (that's Vorne Kurz Hinten Lang, or "mullet" for you non-ruhrpotters out there, see the infamous haircrimes website for further reference)
- still listening to 80's music (especially RICK ASTLEY!! LOL)
- still using "edlin" or "vi" for editing a text file
- still using 5,25" floppy disks or punch cards as backup medium
And always remember: DON'T FEED THE SCHNITZEL!!!
Just a quick hit and
Just a quick hit and run.
What? Are you out of your mind? Windows 98 [b][i] SUCKS!
Freedom of Speech is a cherished right in every democracy and democratic institution.![](
> i can only reply with a big
> i can only reply with a big LOL to this post, theres not much more to say to
> this ignorant point of view...
Yup -- the same thing happened to me when i read your post.
So it's true then? At
So it's true then?
At last, Microsoft put some confidence in Win98. I can now happily upgrade my systems to this OS from Win95, safe in the knowledge that it is stable and needs no support.
Thanks for the tip off. Work units should be whipped through from now on!
The best for money contra
The best for money contra speed is
amd64 3000+
with Windows xp
cheap and fast is it !
greetings guido
Pandaschnitzel - at least if
Pandaschnitzel - at least if it is the same person, and not just coincidentally another person with the same nick - is a known troll in the forum. Take that into account when replying to this threat.
some more information about trolls, and how to deal with them, can be found here:
> > > > well, what makes me
> >
> > well, what makes me comfottbale using MISCROSFOT WINDOWS 98 is that they
> > ACTUALLY CEASED the support for this OS.
> >
> > why?
> >
> > because this shows that there are no probs with this OS! it is stable,
> users
> > dont need the support, there are no more questions to come up because
> this OS
> > has shown to the people that it runs perfectly on any other
> > COMPUTER....worldwide (by the way: 98% of the worldwide computer in use
> are
> > run with windows).
> >
> > take for eXample linux: they NEEED the support stuff (cos it has troubles
> -
> > problems - angry users) and every now and then (almost every day) they
> bring
> > an "update" to their cernel! they are still at 2,4xxxx (or even lower)
> and
> > linux user calll so often redhad, caledera, or LINUSSSSS whre are you??
> and so
> > on! (by the way: waste of telephonmoney. instead they should have saved
> the
> > money and bought legaly - NO ILLEGAL COPYING BECAUSE IT IS EVIL!- an
> > exculsively windows package)
> i can only reply with a big LOL to this post, theres not much more to say to
> this ignorant point of view... if you dont have a clue where linux came from
excusé me but i throurly stated my clear and easy to understand arguments FOR windows. and i know where linux come from. from thee deep forest in SCNANDIVAVIA by mr linus torwald (by the way: WALD in GERMAN means forest...hihi**).
> and why its the way it is today just dont try to talk about it... its FREEWARE
and you know why???
because pooor idealistic-libertian computer science students work for FREEE!!! (mr. torwald is pretty rich...guess why...)
> and you dont pay hundreds of dollars for a big sortiment of bugs... and to say
Excuse what do you need a support for?
1. troublesshooting
2. problem "solving"
3. contact person for angry users
now which company has a supporrt and which company CEASED their support?
LINUX or Microsofot?
read my above essay and you will get the answer.
> that win98 is such stable is also just not true.. you just have to install it
> and wait some months and the problems get bigger and bigger... Windows XP
> fortunately is better in this point.. i dont mean that Windows doenst have
you said it: it is BETTER. point.
> advantages (especially XP) but your point of view is just... as i said...
> ignorant
well i am open minded and you should have your opintion but i can get very angry (this was a so called ---WARNING).
on the current troll ranking
on the current troll ranking (sort key: plonk count) at he currently takes an honorless 11th rank.
Luckily his post are mostly troll-wannabes, making one feels sorry for him rather than enraged about his proclaimed positions.
> > and why its the way it is
> > and why its the way it is today just dont try to talk about it... its
Linux is only free if your time has no value. Is it better to compile money against the kernel, instead of comparing Frickelkram against bugs? Wahwahwah.
You will become a better person with OS X. You will suffer from an onion leather purse (sniff!), but you can still make use of all the CLI commands you learned from the books you read on the toilet. Plus you have something to talk big about with a Mac on your desk. Or, at least, you can feel like Steve "Master Of The Universe" Jobs.
dadA = ncSquare claaas
dadA = ncSquare