WUs failing

KWSN Sir Clark
KWSN Sir Clark
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Topic 193577


My last three WUs have failed and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to why.

One failed with the "-1073741819 (0xc0000005)" error code (93696389) and the last two (93744109 and 93819332) with "99 (0x63)" which I haven't seen before

I'm using app 4.26, BOINC 5.10.45, Win XP SP2, 1.5GB Ram, Athlon XP2800+ (no overclocking)

Is there anything I can do to prevent this? I'm not doing anything else CPU heavy at the same time

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WUs failing

The -1073741819 (0xc0000005) is a general access violation and is usually believed to be associated with the graphics card and/or its driver. The other two units show "ERROR: HoughMap.c 388" anything to do with HoughMap is definitely a graphics problem.

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RE: The -1073741819

Message 80044 in response to message 80043

The -1073741819 (0xc0000005) is a general access violation and is usually believed to be associated with the graphics card and/or its driver.

I've seen that one as the standard visible symptom when my clock rate/CPU voltage combination is slightly more aggressive than prudent.

Unfortunately, that symptom is not specific at all to a particular problem.

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RE: Hi, My last three WUs



My last three WUs have failed and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to why.

One failed with the "-1073741819 (0xc0000005)" error code (93696389) and the last two (93744109 and 93819332) with "99 (0x63)" which I haven't seen before

I'm using app 4.26, BOINC 5.10.45, Win XP SP2, 1.5GB Ram, Athlon XP2800+ (no overclocking)

Is there anything I can do to prevent this? I'm not doing anything else CPU heavy at the same time

Hello Clark!

May be at mine Athlon XP 2600+ was a similar problem. (But precisely I do not remember).
At E@H calculation there were mistakes somewhere on ~ 60-70 %.
And every third or second of Cosmology@Home unit computed with mistake and zero granted credit.

This is a very strange processor: BOX processor, with marking as Athlon XP 2600+ (on CPU!), but my "system" show that it is Athlon XP 1800.
Two years this crunch Einstein units but after starting an S5R1 all calculations will be finished with a mistake.

Several moths ago I join it to Cosmology@home. Calculations become stable right after: 1) changing RAM; 2) 1.92 GHz -> 1533 GHz; 3) 24/7 -> ~ 16/7.
I can't change motherboard for make experiment "absolutely clear".
Now this host crunch SETI@home units. All right.

KWSN Sir Clark
KWSN Sir Clark
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RE: The -1073741819

Message 80046 in response to message 80043

The -1073741819 (0xc0000005) is a general access violation and is usually believed to be associated with the graphics card and/or its driver. The other two units show "ERROR: HoughMap.c 388" anything to do with HoughMap is definitely a graphics problem.

How can it be a graphics problem when the screensaver isn't running. I don't use the BOINC screensaver or view the graphics at all

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RE: RE: The -1073741819

Message 80047 in response to message 80046

The -1073741819 (0xc0000005) is a general access violation and is usually believed to be associated with the graphics card and/or its driver. The other two units show "ERROR: HoughMap.c 388" anything to do with HoughMap is definitely a graphics problem.

How can it be a graphics problem when the screensaver isn't running. I don't use the BOINC screensaver or view the graphics at all

I answered your original query because I also had similar problems when I set up my Quad three weeks ago, as reported in post 82134.
I hasn't happened since, so still at a loss as to why it happened, I had d/loaded and installed latest drivers for graphics card just after I had built machine and got it on line.
Have two sons, now in twenties, they both play too many computer games (and drink beer) and so I and youngest now know all about getting latest driver to be able to run latest game, and what to do when it goes base over apex. But it hasn't helped in this instance.

P.S. I don't run screensavers either.

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Well, I don't know if will

Well, I don't know if will help in your case.

My P4 Northie which I've had crunching EAH for quite while and is normally as solid as a rock all of sudden started faulting regularly on tasks with code 5 GPF's and Code 99's (usually listed as a null pointer in the stderr file).

Well to make a long story short, I did an 'on the fly' disk defrag (ie, not in safe mode) and voila the failures stopped.

Can't hurt to give it a try, or at least check the fragmentation state of the system drive.


KWSN Sir Clark
KWSN Sir Clark
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Thanks for the tip. Just

Thanks for the tip.

Just defragmented (nice a quick cause it's got it's own partition).

Hopefully it'll be the solution

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One thing to keep in mind

One thing to keep in mind here.

In my case this was a single partition daily driver. It had been being used for some fairly heavy duty digital photography manipulation, archiving stuff out to optical media, etc. as well as it's normal routine duties.

When I went in to check the frag state on the drive it looked like an old partially toothless comb, so I that's why I tried the on the fly defrag. Actually I hadn't held out too much hope initially, but it seems to have worked.

So I'm speculating the page file was getting fragmented enough that it was causing timing problems for EAH. This machine is a little short on RAM by current standards (only 512 Meg). The very lonely single stick does have a new partner on the way though, so that should help some in my case. ;-)


Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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Hi! I'm a bit skeptical


I'm a bit skeptical that defragmentation per-se can cure the kind of error we saw here, but who knows, maybe during the defragmentation the disk's controller spotted new bad sectors and flagged them so they would not be used in the future?


KWSN Sir Clark
KWSN Sir Clark
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I think I know what the

I think I know what the problem may have been.

I did a disk cleanup on all the partitions on my HD and I think I clicked the compress old files option and it may have had an effect.

Current WU is at over 90% so fingers crossed.

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