I know I uploaded the results of the work unit in question but the user results page says I didn't. Did it get lost somehow?
Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.
Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001)
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Work Unit uploaded but user results says past deadline and no re
> I know I uploaded the results of the work unit in question but the user
> results page says I didn't. Did it get lost somehow?
Probably not. In Boinc Manager, go to the work tab and see if it says "Ready to report". If so it means that the result has been uploaded and that the claim for credit (ie the report stage) will occur at the next scheduled contact with the scheduler which is controlled by the "connect to network" interval under your general prefs. So be patient and it will happen :).
If you need instant gratification :) just go to the project tab, right click E@H project and click "update" on the drop down menu.
If this is not your problem then, sorry, you will have to be more specific in your report.
This possibly happened to me
This possibly happened to me with
result id: 1372992
machine: 2199
If you look at the WUs crunched by this machine: http://einsteinathome.org/host/2199/tasks
it's fairly obvious that it normally should have been sent back around the 2nd March. I noticed that a bit too late to take a look at the logfile, but I'm almost sure that I crunched 3 WUs with that deadline 4th March, so it should have nothing to do with these "phantom WUs". May be a problem with an interrupted inet connection. Sorry that I can't be of more help.
Regards, [ETA]MrSpadge
Scanning for our furry friends since Jan 2002
> This possibly happened to
> This possibly happened to me with
> result id: 1372992
> machine: 2199
> If you look at the WUs crunched by this machine:
> http://einsteinathome.org/host/2199/tasks
> it's fairly obvious that it normally should have been sent back around the 2nd
> March. I noticed that a bit too late to take a look at the logfile, but I'm
> almost sure that I crunched 3 WUs with that deadline 4th March, so it should
> have nothing to do with these "phantom WUs". May be a problem with an
> interrupted inet connection. Sorry that I can't be of more help.
> Regards, [ETA]MrSpadge
That looks *exactly* like one of these phantom WUs. It has no cpu time and no sign of any error message. Work was never downloaded to your machine although the "system" thinks it was. I don't believe you lost any cpu time and the advice was to just ignore it.
Boy, quite a nice little farm you have :).
I should have oberved this a
I should have oberved this a little better, but since Einstein went final I'm not feeling to be a beta-tester anymore ;)
Let's say I'm 95% sure that I got 3 of these WUs with that same deadline. That's why I remember it, as I normally get one or 2 new ones. And since some time I crunched all Einstein WUs that I got, so this one as well. Normally my memory doesn't fool me when I'm so strongly convinced. That's why I think it was not a phantom WU.
I lost another WU which has already disappeared from the list, but this one was uploaded on the 26th March, so the reason is obviously the server crash. Hope I didn't cause it :D
Yeah, that PC-Lab is quite nice :) They're meant for students to run jobs and now it's still holiday time - perfect. Now if we could only get them to run without baby-sitting them... they keep stopping computing from thime to time, but it doesn't seem to be an intrinsic BOINC / Einstein error. Additionally the linux-0-credit-bug in the validator is a little frustating, but I know they're working on it.
Regards, MrS
Scanning for our furry friends since Jan 2002