I'm running with UAC and the default install path though, and haven't had any problems, so there has to be something more going on. I've clicked through the prog files\\boinc folder structure and all my data files are being written to the standard paths not elsewhere with OS level spoofing for the app. Maybe it's boinc client version related since IIRC you can controlmost of the UACish settings if your application has a manifest file compiled in. I'm running 5.8.15
Beats me Dan. Consider yourself lucky then!
I'm not sure what version I first installed on Vista. But I was somewhere in the 5.8 testing series.
One last try, are you running as an administrator(little a) account or as a regular user? Boinc as a service or regular app?
My setup is adminstrator, service.
adminstrator (whatever the default is for Vista) and single user. Looks like service installs play nice?
Not necessarily. The BOINC Manager when started still asks for permission, even as a service install.
I believe BOINC is looking into this. I think it only happens with the newer versions (5.10.x).
As some know, Vista and User Access Control (UAC) can cause other issues, if BOINC is installed in the default folder (\\Program Files\\BOINC). If you install in a different directory (I made a \\My Programs directory where I install things I am unsure of).
As always your mileage may vary. Good luck in any endeavors you encounter.
It must be a newer versions problem, as mentioned, my 5.8x client is running without any problems as a service in the default location.
IIRC vista is really pushing hard against service processes with a UI (been on the don't do list since at least 2k). A change that caused it to recognise boinc manager as being part of the service itself rather than a userland app that talks to the service could cause problems.
install it as a service and
install it as a service and it'll run automatically.
RE: I'm running with UAC
Beats me Dan. Consider yourself lucky then!
I'm not sure what version I first installed on Vista. But I was somewhere in the 5.8 testing series.
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
One last try, are you running
One last try, are you running as an administrator(little a) account or as a regular user? Boinc as a service or regular app?
My setup is adminstrator, service.
RE: One last try, are you
adminstrator (whatever the default is for Vista) and single user. Looks like service installs play nice?
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
RE: RE: One last try, are
Not necessarily. The BOINC Manager when started still asks for permission, even as a service install.
I believe BOINC is looking into this. I think it only happens with the newer versions (5.10.x).
As some know, Vista and User Access Control (UAC) can cause other issues, if BOINC is installed in the default folder (\\Program Files\\BOINC). If you install in a different directory (I made a \\My Programs directory where I install things I am unsure of).
As always your mileage may vary. Good luck in any endeavors you encounter.
It must be a newer versions
It must be a newer versions problem, as mentioned, my 5.8x client is running without any problems as a service in the default location.
IIRC vista is really pushing hard against service processes with a UI (been on the don't do list since at least 2k). A change that caused it to recognise boinc manager as being part of the service itself rather than a userland app that talks to the service could cause problems.