As reported here:
This computer has been removed from active hosts. Would like to resolve the problem and get it crunching, but nothing has been forthcoming.
Any ideas?
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Output File Exceeds Size Limit
I think you ran into, what we call over at Seti@Home a "noisy unit". In the first so many seconds that the unit runs, you hit upon so many possible hits, that crunching the whole unit would exceed the file limit imposed by E@H to the output file.
It's good to report such a unit, because the admins here can then check it and see if they can devide it into more than one unit.
But it's not something you need to take your PC off for. Just keep it crunching.
Ageless: I am sorry to
I am sorry to report that all of my recent WUs on that machine have returned the same result. Bernd and the team can look at them. I have been with BOINC projects from the beginning and this is the only problem that hasn't been overcome. No, I would not pull out any resources if it was only a single bad WU, been there in the past and learned.
If all - how many exactly -
If all - how many exactly - have returned the same thing, you may want to check how much space you have set for BOINC to use, how much it should use at minimum and how much there actually is on your harddrive.
Following the FAQ, the error is what I said it was, but if you don't have enough room on your harddrive to even save a normal work unit, I think it can do the same.
Ageless: While I
While I appreciate everything you have said, I still think there is a problem. There is approximately 60 GB free on the HD even while running SETI, LHC, Predictor and CPDN. I have run several, if not many, Einstein units on the machine previously without problems. Maybe it is the latest application or the 4.19 core client. Not sure? Not to worry, will wait until the mandatory upgrade to 4.2X and try again if there is no resolution in the short term. It is just 1 of about 6 machines in my little farm.
This error message indicates
This error message indicates that the size of the E@H output file was larger than the maximum size limit coded into the workunit (10 MB). It turns out that in narrow frequency bands, particulary around 60 Hz, the output files are larger than 10MB. I've fixed this by increasing the maximum file upload size to 30MB. So this problem has hopefully now been fixed.
Director, Einstein@Home