Program seems to be stalled.

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Topic 188139

Running my first set of data and now have the following message:

Einstein@Home - 2005-02-28 11:57:38 - Deferring communication with project for 12 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds

It first stated 15 hours and, each hour since, has decremented. Is this normal? I don't see any option where I can download a new data set.
What's going on here? Am also running SETI, btw. Could there be mutual interference?
Any help greatly appreciated.

[B^S] Paul@home
[B^S] Paul@home
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Program seems to be stalled.

HI Richard, if you have run out of data you can force the BOINC client to get another Work Unit by right-clicking on the Einstein project in BOINC and selecting 'update'. However, it sounds like the client may have already tried several attempts to get an update from the server and failed. Hence it is deferring comms for so long.

I would suggest that you try manually updating the client now and note any error messages in the log. (Post them here!)

When you say you are running SETI, I presume you are running it as another BOINC project rather than as 'classic' SETI@Home?

There should be no interference between the 2 BOINC projects. If one if offline, the other will continue to work away happily.


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Thanks, Paul, that worked!

Thanks, Paul, that worked! I'm not running SETI using BOINC so that was not the problem. It's downloaded a new work unit and is merrily churning away. And so is SETI. 3737 SETI units completed. Einstein is not as user-friendly as SETI. It needs an option to auto-dial to download a new work unit like SETI has. My computer tuns 24/7. Let's hope that's next on their list of options to incorporate. (Or am I missing something?)

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